Thursday, February 1, 2007


I haven't always liked to write. Truth be told, I hated writing up until my Freshman year in college. In high school I struggled with the various writing assignments in my class; it just didn't come easily to me like my other endeavours.

When I started keeping an online journal during my first year in college, I realized how much I actually liked writing. I do like telling stories, relating personal experiences to my friends, and taking down observations I've come across during the day. It gave me a new sense of satisfaction to relate my experiences to others. And I really liked the idea of sharing myself and my thoughts with people I didn't know.

I didn't realize how much I enjoyed writing until I received a disturbing email from a high school friend concerning a situation at our
alma mater. Her email urged us to sign a petition of sorts. I didn't agree with her. My mother is a teacher at that school and the people there are like family. Instead I wrote a passionate letter to the principle and president of the school, telling them to not change a thing, supporting them in their decisions, and urging them not to make a decision that would destroy the very reason so many alumnae find that school like a second home.

I had something to say and I said it. And a year later I found out that it actually made a difference. Someone heard what I had to say. It was gratifying to know that I didn't waste 6 hours of my life, drafting and re-drafting the letter, researching old school facts, and talking to classmates that agreed with me.

I know I'm not the best writer; I'm definitely not the best typist. But I want to be, I want to master the
English language so that I can communicate to whomever I want about my experiences, ideas, and convictions. One thing that I know will hinder me is the very fact that I don't like to struggle. Most things come easily to me, but writing isn't one of them. But I hope that my perfectionist attitude and need to prove myself will help me succeed.

In 25 years,
I'll be working at an art gallery or small museum as a project manager or curator. I'd be writing articles for various art magazines, informing the public about various art shows. Occasionally I'd write an article for The Soccer Journal on coaching. In my spare time, I'd coach a youth soccer team.

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