Thursday, February 1, 2007

Magazine Research

Interest/Expertise Worksheet

1. Online Role Playing Games
2. Reading
3. Movies
4. Video-Editing
5. Music

1. Art
2. Computers
3. Organization
4. Humor
5. Athletics (Soccer)

Professional Skills:
1. Leadership (Coach/Teacher)
2. Basic HTML
3. Basic Film Editing
4. Organizer
5. Languages

1. Friend
2. Coach
3. Daughter
4. Sister
5. Girlfriend

I didn't realize how many magazines there were to choose from. There's a magazine for everything and I mean
everything. From what I saw, I think the magazines I'm more interested in are general interest magazines for women and teens, educational magazines, humor based magazines and volunteer event based activities like Circle K Magazine

I don't really have a favorite magazine, but after seeing how many magazines there are, I'll be checking out a few that I think I might find interesting. I've already started making a list of magazines that sound interesting:

Listen Magazine 778
Amici Journal
Art Ltd Magazine
Art Papers 422
Collegebound Teen Magazine 776
Coach and Athletic Director
Creative Non-fiction 579
Positive Thinking
The Writer 904
90:00 Minutes Soccer Magazine
Computer Games
Sacramento Magazine 640
U. Magazine
Out 492
Next Step Magazine
Jane 799
Circle K Magazine 451
Girlfriends Magazine 490
Grit 496
Funny Times 551
Plus Attitude Magazine 631

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.